25/11/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 16/01/77
Only a contented soul can become a special deity for other souls.
Whilst attaining all blessings from Baba, the Bestower of Blessings, have you become an image that grants blessingslike the Father? One is the great donation of the jewels of knowledge. The other is to give all weak souls the blessingof all powers attained from the Almighty Authority through your pure thoughts and good wishes. By donating thewealth of knowledge, the soul itself becomes an embodiment of knowledge. However, weak souls who are not ableto imbibe knowledge, who are not able to become knowledgeable souls, who are not able to create an elevated rewardfor themselves through elevated effort, who simply stay because of love, cooperation, connection and devotion suchsouls have a little attainment of one or another power as a blessing from you souls, the images who grant blessings,and experience themselves to be very fortunate. Such souls are called those who attain the subject status. Such soulsare not able to attain directly all powers from BapDada through their yoga or their dharna. However, they do attainone or another blessing with the cooperation of souls who have attained something.
Shaktis are specially called bestowers of blessings. And so, now, at the end, there will be greater service through thepower of a bestower of blessings than through being a great donor. Because of your own stage being powerful andbecause you are full, such subject souls will become very happy in a very short time. Because you have the stage ofcontentment, those souls are quickly able to become content and very happy. They will again and again sing praise ofyou great souls. The sound emerging from everyone's lips will be: "It is a wonder. Thanks to the Father and thanksto the instrument souls." This is the song that will echo in all directions. On the basis of what they have attained,everyone will shower flowers of praise from their heart. In order to become such an image that grants blessings, youneed to pay special attention to one aspect: Remain constantly content with the self and with others. A contentedsoul can become a special deity soul for many other souls. Whether you call it the greatest virtue, donation, specialityor greatness, it is contentment. A contented soul is loved by God, loved by others and loved by the self. A contentedsoul can be recognised by these three aspects. Such a contented soul would be known as an image that grantsblessings. Check yourself as to what extent you have become a contented soul who grants blessings. Do youunderstand? Achcha.
To such world benefactors, great donors; to those who give an experience to others in one second; to those whodonate holy food to all desperate souls and make them content; to such images who grants visions, who give a visionthrough their divine form; to those who are complete and equal; to souls who fulfil all the elevated feelings ofdevotion and elevated wishes, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Speaking to the teachers:
Do all of you consider yourselves to be instrument world teachers, the same as the Father, or are you limited teachers? What is the special slogan for effort for the teachers? That you will do simultaneous service at every second throughyour thoughts, words and deeds; that you will remain engaged in all three types of service in the same second. Onlywhen the teachers put this slogan into practice every day will they be able to bring about world benefit. Only whenall three types of service are carried out at the same time can the task of service be accomplished to bring benefit tosuch a huge world. You do not have a separate time to serve through your thoughts and a separate time to servethrough words. Only those who do all three types of service at the same time can become world benefactors. Socheck whether you are doing all three types of service at the same time. You have three relationships with the Fatherand He serves you through all three forms.
And so, the instrument teachers also have to serve simultaneously in three ways. Then you will become mastertrimurti. Do you understand? To the extent that you teachers become complete with all powers, accordingly, youwill become instruments for other souls. Those who become instruments have a huge responsibility. Those whobecome instruments accumulate multimillionfold in one second and so they have that chance of an attainment.However, if those who are instruments perform such actions that they cause upheaval in others, they also accumulatemultimillionfold loss. An attitude is created through thoughts and an atmosphere is created through an attitude. Sothere should be no such thoughts or attitude through which the atmosphere becomes impure. You should not speakany such words that would cause upheaval in others. Because everyone's attention is on you instrument teachers, youteachers have to pay double attention to yourselves. All of you are moving along whilst paying double attention toyourselves, are you not? First of all, think and consider everything and then do it. It should not be that you dosomething first and then think about it. Otherwise, time and energy are wasted.
You teachers should have special happiness because you have a special lift of being with the Father and remainingengaged in His service. You do not have to go into any other atmosphere. So you should take full benefit of this lift.Are you constantly happy? Who can remain constantly happy? Those who are not attracted anywhere else. If youare attracted anywhere towards nature, other souls or the virtues of others you cannot remain happy. Such souls,who are beyond all attractions and are only attracted to the one Father, can remain constantly happy. Achcha.
Blessing: May you have a crown and a throne and have all your physical organs under your control by having theawareness of your intoxication and your goal.At the confluence age, all the children have received a crown and a throne from BapDada. You have the crown ofpurity and the crown of responsibility. You are seated on the immortal throne and also on the heartthrone. Whenyou have the double crown and throne, you automatically remember your intoxication and goal. As a result yourphysical organs will obey your every command. None of the workers would obey the orders of someone who has letgo of his crown and throne.
Slogan: Weak thoughts make you question everything instead of making you completely satisfied.
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